What is a Really Really Free Market? A community gathering in which participants bring extra clothes, books, random knick-knacks, and household items to give away. In addition, food games, and musical instruments can be brought to share. Everybody is welcome to participate and this will be a family friendly event. There is no admission cost and donations are not solicited. The free market is what we make it.
Why should I go? To have fun and meet your neighbors. Do you like free stuff? How about free food? Are you looking to get a game going? Have any useful skills to share? The more people who come, the better the event will be.
How can I help? Just show up and bring a few people. If you have extra things around your house, bring them to the event to give away. If you see anything that you need, take it home. Maybe you like to cook or you have a garden with extra produce? The more that is brought, the more that can be shared. Bring a board game, sports equipment, your musical instruments, and ideas to improve the next event. We are also looking for dedicated volunteers to help plan future events. No experience is necessary.
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